Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just pictures and captions

This picture was taken in the morning before the dew had been evaporated by the sun and air. The sun was hitting the seedheads of this grass but not the ground at the base of the plant. So it looks like the seedheads are glowing white from the light hitting the water on them.

I was doing my walking down a streambed (I was wearing rubber boots. Streams are getting a bit nippy this time of year) and saw this morning glory growing on one of the banks in the morning sun. So I took a picture.

This dragonfly is either dead or so slowed down metabolically that I could get very close to it. I appreciated its cooperation because I don't own a lens that would let me take pictures that are this detailed. Sure I get pictures of details of thing but I have to get very close. I don't have lenses that let me zoom way in. Aside: This picture is a good example of why I find taking pictures fairly easy. I simply go outside and move slowly enough to observe stuff. The stuff is already there and, I would say, beautiful – even a dead dragonfly. And even though I don't really know what/who I'm grateful to, I am.
I stopped along a road on the way back from Platteville to get this picture. It's just a tall type of grass that had nice-looking seedheads on it – so it caught my eye. I was pleasantly surprised at how this picture turned out. I was thinking that maybe the sun would be burnt out (so white that it loses its sharpness) and the seedheads would look black. But I got lucky and got, what I think is a decent picture. “Lucky” is the operative word here – I took a bunch of pictures that didn't turn out to be worth a damn.


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