Monday, August 10, 2009

Point and shoot

Most of us have heard something like, “it's the photographer and not that camera that takes the pictures. So I set out to take a batch of pictures this morning on a regular old point and shoot camera (it's a digital Casio EX-Z110 for those of you who are into knowing that sort of thing).

As I was walking down the sidewalk to the park (where the rest of the photos are from) I looked to my left and noticed this spirea growing as part of the landscaping of a house. It rained last night and things were still wet so there are a few water droplets (what's the difference between a drop and a droplet?) still hanging on the leaves.

The water flowing over this rock makes, I think, an interesting swirly-type pattern.

I took a seat at the bottom of a slide in the park and happened to see this leaf. Interesting how many pictures I get that just kind of fall into my lap as a result of me being lazy....

These tree limbs were kinda mossy and caught my eye. Made me think of the Pacific northwest with the deciduous rain forest – of course the limbs out there are mossier but I didn't say that they looked just like their rain forest counterparts, just that they reminded me of them.

As I was walking along looking at the pond's edge I remembered that pictures aren't limited to just watery environments and that I should look up on shore. I saw this leaf and snapped a picture.

It was kind of the same thing with this picture as the last one. I had to look where it seemed unlikely for me to get a good picture to actually get a good picture.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Better late than never?

It's been quite a while since I typed on here. I really don't have an excuse...then again maybe I do: I wasn't really thinking that many people were reading what I had written here - that and I've been learning some illegal ninja moves from the government. Napoleon Dynamite's been teaching me. Speaking of Napoleon Dynamite, maybe a better excuse would be to say that I've been busy hunting wolverines with my uncle in Alaska.

Anyway, here are a few pictures that I've taken recently:

This was taken just a few hours ago in a little stream in Lancaster's Memorial Park. Today is a nice, sunny day (obviously, since you can see the sun's reflection in the water) - sometimes photography is just an excuse to get outside.

I thought that these leaves contrasted the green grass nicely. These leaves were on a small branch which had been knocked off of the tree they were on. I didn't steal this picture from some I took last fall.

Near the shore of the little pond in Lancaster's Memorial Park are rocks (probably put there to prevent erosion) and the combination of the rock and the leaf in this picture caught my eye.

Same thing with this rock: it was near the shore of the pond here in town. The water looks a bit on the murky side because the city puts something in the water (I believe it's called AquaShade) that doesn't allow light to penetrate very far so plants don't grow.

These blades of grass were floating (though they were still anchored by their roots) on top of some water in a very small stream in Memorial Park.

Not sure what it is, but to me anyway, birchbark just looks cool.