Monday, August 10, 2009

Point and shoot

Most of us have heard something like, “it's the photographer and not that camera that takes the pictures. So I set out to take a batch of pictures this morning on a regular old point and shoot camera (it's a digital Casio EX-Z110 for those of you who are into knowing that sort of thing).

As I was walking down the sidewalk to the park (where the rest of the photos are from) I looked to my left and noticed this spirea growing as part of the landscaping of a house. It rained last night and things were still wet so there are a few water droplets (what's the difference between a drop and a droplet?) still hanging on the leaves.

The water flowing over this rock makes, I think, an interesting swirly-type pattern.

I took a seat at the bottom of a slide in the park and happened to see this leaf. Interesting how many pictures I get that just kind of fall into my lap as a result of me being lazy....

These tree limbs were kinda mossy and caught my eye. Made me think of the Pacific northwest with the deciduous rain forest – of course the limbs out there are mossier but I didn't say that they looked just like their rain forest counterparts, just that they reminded me of them.

As I was walking along looking at the pond's edge I remembered that pictures aren't limited to just watery environments and that I should look up on shore. I saw this leaf and snapped a picture.

It was kind of the same thing with this picture as the last one. I had to look where it seemed unlikely for me to get a good picture to actually get a good picture.


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