Monday, January 26, 2009


OK, so I haven't been updating this blog very much...but I have a semi-good excuse. I have been riding my bike quite a bit in preparation for the Arrowhead 135 which starts Feb 2 at seven a.m. Riding my bike “quite a bit,” means that I did a ride Thursday morning that started at two o'clock a.m and lasted 'til about nine a.m and another yesterday that started at 12:40 a.m. and ended at 8:40 a.m. Even if, like me, you like riding your bike, that many hours is still a long time to ride. So that's my excuse...maybe after Arrowhead I'll get back to a more normal blog schedule.

Since it has been a while since I posted a blog entry - so I've had a while to take these pictures – these pictures are from all over. There are some taken at Lake Superior, one in Marquette, MI, and a few in Lancaster's Memorial Park.

Since I tried to excuse myself and my irregular blog entries with my riding my bike in training for Arrowhead I thought it would enhance my credibility if I included a picture of myself directly after a training ride.

I woke up one morning and was making breakfast when I looked out of the window and saw this frost on the glass. I thought I'd take a picture quick before I made pancakes. I never find myself lacking in things to take pictures of – if I'm in the right mindset. It is virtually impossible for me to not find something interesting around (whether or not that something makes a good picture is another matter – one of personal opinion).

This leaf should get some sort of award for being weird.

This leaf by itself wouldn't be all that interesting – but the shadow it casts in combination with the leaf make it worth noticing. I got lucky with the light hitting it just right to make the shadow look this way.

This was an awesome sight to see. I'm afraid a picture doesn't do it justice – maybe a video would. You can see the waves in the picture and if you use your imagination you know that since waves move, the water/ice you see in the picture was moving and heaving around with the surges of the water. (This reminded me of a documentary I saw on the filming of Shackleton on the ice-pack of Antarctica. They filmed in the summer and the ice-pack was mostly broken up and heaving around with the surges of the Antarctic Ocean so they had to hunt around for chunks of pack-ice that were big enough to film on.) Last time I was visiting Marquette, MI (November) I saw surfers in this bay (they were wearing drysuits).

This was taken from the top of a big hill overlooking Lake Superior. You can see that the sky was blue except for out over the lake, where – I assume – moisture from the lake was evaporating into the air to make the clouds you can see.

This is just another picture of the same chunk of shoreline taken last Nov.

I tend not to like cheesy things, and so – in general – pictures of sunsets are not things I like all that much...and I don't take pictures of them all that often. But the colors the sunset was making bouncing off these clouds and back at me was just too tempting. (Once again you can see the clouds over the lake while the rest of the sky was clear)


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