Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well here's my excuse: I signed on for some software that would look at the number of pageviews there were of my blog since Oct 13. Well this software wasn't working right (my fault not the software's), I wasn't aware that it wasn't working, and it was telling me that nobody had looked at the blog since mid-Ocotber. Not very motivating. I found out that was wrong and that there actually are people reading the blog. (I must say that I am kind of flummoxed by the fact that people would voluntarily spend their free time reading my gibberish.) So that's my excuse for not writing any blog entries for a while.

Since it has been so long since I entered last, I'm going to split up my photos into a couple entries – this one being from Nov 13th to Nov 23rd. (I actually didn't take all that many pictures while I was in Marq. because at that point I thought that nobody was looking at the blog anyway, so I didn't have to much motivation.)

So November the 13th I headed north to Fond du Lac (my ultimate destination being Marquette to visit Spring, my girlfriend) to visit a high school friend of mine who we used to call “Beast.” Good times. From there I headed north to Marquette and stopped along the way to take a few pictures at Daves Falls. Some of you might remember some other pictures I had on an earlier blog entry of these same falls. None of the pictures of the falls itself turned out to be worth a damn but there were a few of the area right around the falls that were OK. I wish that I had made more of an effort to take better pictures of the falls itself so you could compare what it looked like this summer and what it looks like now (or the way it looked on Nov 14).

I like history. But as an unabashed lover of nature I have to lean towards thinking that these pilings from an old dock in Lake Superior near downtown Marq. are kind of an eyesore not really a desirable historical relic. Seems like we should clean up our messes.

This is right along Daves Falls.

This was taken in Governor Dodge State Park on the trip to Fond du Lac.

Snow was falling but it was still kind of warm when I took this picture of a tamarack tree in Marq. Some may remember from high school bio (or an earlier blog entry of mine) that tamarack trees have needles but are deciduous – they lose their needles each fall – so this tree isn't dead, it's just getting ready for winter.

This is the view partway up Sugarloaf Mtn. which is a big hill near both Marq. and Lake Superior. The top of this “mountain” is rocky and only has a few trees on it to obscure the view of Lake Superior.

This picture was taken at the top of Sugarloaf Mountain. You can see that the view of Lake Superior is pretty awesome from up there – even when it's kind of hazy up there.


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